One of the top mistakes renters make….
Rushing through the process and missing important details!
Avoid critical mistakes by selecting not only the right rental home but the right landlord too. Learn what every seasoned tenant does in finding and negotiating the right rental home with the right owners
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Complimentary Tenant’s Checklist & Comparison Chart
Never Make an Uninformed Decision Again!
This free and handy tenant’s checklist and comparison worksheet is designed to help you take the guess work out of making the right decision and finding a rental home that's right for you.
The Tenant Handbook and Checklist help you to select properties with great landlords that care about their investment and care about you.

Consultant, Speaker, Sales & Leadership Expert, Author, Mental Health Advocate.
I’m a certified sales professional, author of The Business of Sales and previous leader of large global sales organizations in the hotel industry negotiating multi-million dollar contracts.
I’ve trained, coached, consulted and taught sales & marketing to sales professionals in many industries as well as college business degree students.
I've been a home owner and a tenant at more than 27 properties.

PURCHASE this essential Tenant's Handbook outlining the 6 critical steps to finding and securing the right place for you. The ideal e-guide for the complimentary
Tenant's Checklist & Comparison Worksheet
The Tenant’s Handbook
Complimentary Tenant’s Checklist & Comparison Chart